Ottica TV Artist Page
Zoha Zokaei

Yet Another Wall

Yet Another Wall. 2010

Walls are made to give us shelter.
Walls are made to divide us.
Walls are built to imprison us.
Walls are not made out of Gelatine.
And Yet Another Wall…


Rise of the Flesh

Rise of the Flesh 2007 (04:08)

'Rise of the Flesh' is a recording of a live puppeteering performance, with fresh bread dough as puppets. This video portrays an abstract struggle of two enclosed bodies that come face to face. Through physical interaction they become closer and eventually amalgamate to an uprising mass.

By exploring the struggles of being enclosed within the limitations of the physical body I have tried to portrait the body as a monstrous flesh. I investigated the conditions of the physical body/mass through the pains and pleasures of tactile sensations.

In my work I am not trying to convey a thought but more to express a feeling. A feeling of the body being contained as well as being exploded; A feeling of extending our body’s boundaries through physical experiences; A sensation of breaking out of the skin of the body. ©zohazokaei 2007